When researching or purchasing for protection services, you might have probably come across two prominent names that appear to be synonymous. Learn about the fundamental distinctions between Executive Security (EP) and Bodyguarding and how to assess if you are getting the right form of protection for your needs and dangers. You can get training in websites like https://pwa.edu/
“Bodyguard” safeguard their customers in a reactive manner. There will be individuals who are professional and those who aren’t, just as in any other employment sector. Bodyguarding as a trade does not have as few outstanding close protection practitioners as people may imagine. It is crucial to remember, however, that many non-professional protectors call themselves Bodyguards. Bodyguards are often fit, larger than normal, and capable of reacting to physical attacks.
Executive Protection
“Executive Protection” is security and risk mitigation measures designed to guarantee the safety of VIPs or other persons who may be exposed to higher personal danger due to their work, high-profile position, financial worth, affiliations, or geographical location.
EP as a protective solution is intended to safeguard persons who are at danger by utilising a range of specific skill sets, many of which need years of formal training and expertise. Everyday EP Agents provide their clients’ ease of mobility, comfort, and only the desired degree of public exposure. When it comes to securing their customers, Executive Protection Agents take a proactive approach. To train you can check https://pwa.edu/
How to Decide Which One You Require
Bodyguards and Executive Protection agents may be a helpful choice for people in need of protective services, based on existing threats and concerns, client expectations, and the factors listed below. Use these as a guide to choose which service is most suited to your needs.
- Public Exposure of the Principle: How well known is the principal to the general public, and how frequently are they in the open?
- Existence of known threats: Are you aware of any active threats or individuals of interest who may be plotting to injure, annoy, or embarrass the principal?
- Geographical location: Where will the majority of the protection actions take place?
- Security Dangers in the Past: What kind of threats has occurred in the near and distant past?
Using what you now know about the similarities and differences, common training and backgrounds, and primary functions of Executive Protection Agents and Bodyguards, you can answer the questions above and use them to help you decide whether to hire a Bodyguard or an Executive Protection Agent.